EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!! rev. 87
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This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!! rev. 87
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Post #1554 This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!! rev. 87

some of you getting this error:

Ok first download the latest eoserv then the latest WebCP. After that download the latest SVN:

for eoserv/webcp:


for SVN


Open the RAR and open trunk. Extract the including files to your Eoserv folder.

Now open the config.ini and search for StartItems and StartSpells. You see StartItems = and StartSpells =. You noticed that there is no 0 (null/oh). And thats the problem. Write a 0 after the = :

You can copy this and paste this:

## StartItems
# Items a charater should start with
# Syntax: id,amt;id,amt; (must end with semicolon if used)
StartItems = 0

## StartSpells
# Spells a charater should start with
# Syntax: id,level;id,level; (must end with semicolon if used)
StartSpells = 0

Then you need to load the install.sql with the eoserv DB (if you have already done that, you have finished all)

on sqlyog:

Create the DB eoserv and rightclick it. Choose Restore from SQL dumb... browse to your trunk folder or wherever your install.sql is at. Open it and refresh the DB. Right click and choose Refresh Object Browser. Open the accounts table by clicking onthe[+] then column and manage regip. Right click on regip and choose Manage Column. There uncheck Not Null? on the regip. FINISH.

on heidisql:

highlight the eoserv DB and click import in the menu bar. Then load sql-file.... browse to your trunk folder or wherever your install.sql is at. Open it and after that click on execute SQL... (F9) or press F9. Afterthat refresh the DB(right clickon eoserv and click refresh). After that double click on accounts go to the tab Table and look if your regip looks like this:

Screenshot: where to find execute SQL... (F9):

Name:               Type:                          Null:           Default-Comment:

regip                varchar(15)                     Yes                 ------(empty)

I hope i could help you with fixing the error.

15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1559 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!

Thanks it fixed but new problem I have when i press create (in character create table) eoserver-debug.exe crashed.

What should i do?

15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1560 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!

I'm having same problem as Serhan

15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1562 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!

Have you checked your regip ? make sure its like above:

Name:               Type:                          Null:           Default-Comment:

regip                varchar(15)              Yes                 ------(empty)

And if you using sqlyog, just uncheck Not Null?
15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1563 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!

mine is not checked not null

15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1564 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!

I found out that you just have to have the user for your mysql database it HAS to be set as eoserv and can not be anything else. It worked for me. Cheers if i just helped you all. If not i tried.

15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1636 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!!
## StartItems
# Items a charater should start with
# Syntax: id,amt;id,amt; (must end with semicolon if used)
# (x15)
StartItems = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
15 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #1642 Re: This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!! rev.87

So you might notced that the steps above dont fixing it and the error still comes up. Ok open the config.ini and in the first line is test =

just write a 0 after the = :

test = 0
### LOGGING ###

## stdout
# Filename to log normal output
# Use - for console output
LogOut = -


## stdout
# Filename to log errors
# Use - for console output
LogErr = error.log



15 years, 6 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > This application has requested .... HOW TO FIX!!! rev. 87