EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Editing Item-Eoserv
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Editing Item-Eoserv
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Post #13511 Editing Item-Eoserv

I figured it out before but I forgot...how do I edit item stats-Eoserv...

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #13585 Re: Editing Item-Eoserv

not sure if this is right forum for this question but as always ill help anyway

get your pubedit out, open the file with the items in it.

choose an item you'd like it edit

highlite it.

as you scroll down, there are different tabs for each thing it adds.

con. adds constitution

cha adds charm

str adds str

change those to whatever you please

Mnd... i think is what it is, is your minimum base damage with that weapon

MxD is your maximum base damage with that weapon.

thats pretty much all you need to worry about with that.

i really hope this helped :]

14 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Editing Item-Eoserv