EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Build errors
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Build errors
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Post #204660 Build errors

Hellow there once more guys, first of all thank you for all the time youre willing to give this and helping other people, I think that's really cool of you. Makes me like humans a bit more I guess..

I'm now trying to build an EOserv from scratch so I can learn to manipulate it and further more dev my server, and share my progress here with you, like Callum does. But I can't finish the build because of a few erros, and I'm not sure how to fix this because I haven't made any changes to the REV I got with tortoise, so it should be the most recent one.. 

Here is an image of those erros

5 years, 18 weeks ago
Post #205136 Re: Build errors


Please enter #include "winerror.h" at the top of ntservice.cpp

3 years, 23 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Build errors