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Daily Quests
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Post #199286 Daily Quests


Would someone be kind to explain to me how daily quests work? I tried to figure it out but I failed.

Thank you.

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #199287 Re: Daily Quests

Pretty simple, at the start of the quest in a state after Begin, place the DoneDaily(x) rule where x is the times per day the quest can be done, and in the end of the quest sequence instead of using Reset() use ResetDaily().

Essentially, everytime you call action ResetDaily(), you are doing a +1 to times complete. Also, Reset() should behave differently if a ResetDaily() is active. You should use Reset() to end a quest that has maxed out the DoneDaily(x) rule. Reset() will return to Begin on the next NPC interaction without increasing the times completed.

8 years, 15 weeks ago
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