EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Help(Error)
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Post #198618 Help(Error)

So I just complied, and I try to open up my eoserv.exe but it opens and shuts right back down. I have tried to restart/delete everything but it doesn't work. This is the only errors in the error log. This has to be why;

--- 10/22/15 22:02:33 ---

[ERR] A required table is missing. (Have you executed install.sql?)

[ERR] no such table: accounts

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198619 Re: Help(Error)

Do you have an install.sql in your folder?? I would try deleting your database and making sure you have a correct install.sql about

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198620 Re: Help(Error)

I do have it in my trunk, and just delete the database and not the database and install?

EDIT: I just deleted the database and it still didn't work, same error.

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198646 Re: Help(Error)
Freesh posted: (23rd Oct 2015, 02:11 am)

I do have it in my trunk, and just delete the database and not the database and install?

EDIT: I just deleted the database and it still didn't work, same error.

Something messed up your account table.

Delete your old database, make a new one, and copy and paste everything below.

`username`   VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
`password`   CHAR(64)    NOT NULL,
`fullname`   VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`location`   VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`email`      VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`computer`   VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`hdid`       INTEGER     NOT NULL,
`regip`      VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
`lastip`     VARCHAR(15)          DEFAULT NULL,
`created`    INTEGER     NOT NULL,
`lastused`   INTEGER              DEFAULT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (`username`)

`name`        VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
`account`     VARCHAR(16)          DEFAULT NULL,
`title`       VARCHAR(32)          DEFAULT NULL,
`home`        VARCHAR(32)          DEFAULT NULL,
`fiance`      VARCHAR(16)          DEFAULT NULL,
`partner`     VARCHAR(16)          DEFAULT NULL,
`admin`       INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`class`       INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`gender`      INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`race`        INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`hairstyle`   INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`haircolor`   INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`map`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 192,
`x`           INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 7,
`y`           INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 6,
`direction`   INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
`level`       INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`exp`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`hp`          INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
`tp`          INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
`str`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`int`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`wis`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`agi`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`con`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`cha`         INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`statpoints`  INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`skillpoints` INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`karma`       INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 1000,
`sitting`     INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`bankmax`     INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`goldbank`    INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`usage`       INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`inventory`   TEXT,
`bank`        TEXT,
`paperdoll`   TEXT,
`spells`      TEXT,
`guild`       CHAR(3)              DEFAULT NULL,
`guild_rank`  INTEGER              DEFAULT NULL,
`quest`       TEXT,
`vars`        TEXT,

PRIMARY KEY (`name`)

`tag`         CHAR(3)     NOT NULL,
`name`        VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
`description` TEXT,
`created`     INTEGER     NOT NULL,
`ranks`       TEXT,
`bank`        INTEGER     NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

PRIMARY KEY (`tag`),
UNIQUE      (`name`)

`ip`       INTEGER              DEFAULT NULL,
`hdid`     INTEGER              DEFAULT NULL,
`username` VARCHAR(16)          DEFAULT NULL,
`setter`   VARCHAR(16)          DEFAULT NULL,

`reporter` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
`reported` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
`reason`   TEXT,
`time`     INTEGER     NOT NULL,
`chat_log` TEXT        NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `character_account_index` ON `characters` (`account`);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `character_guild_index` ON `characters` (`guild`);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `ban_ip_index` ON `bans` (`ip`);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `ban_hdid_index` ON `bans` (`hdid`);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `ban_username_index` ON `bans` (`username`);

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198649 Re: Help(Error)

Getting this error now:

[ERR] There was a problem trying to make the HTTP request...

EDIT: Now it the same error again, back to the first error.

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198659 Re: Help(Error)
Freesh posted: (23rd Oct 2015, 11:07 am)

Getting this error now:

[ERR] There was a problem trying to make the HTTP request...

EDIT: Now it the same error again, back to the first error.

I believe the HTTP Error you're receiving has to do with the server trying to connect to the EOSERV SLN (Which uh. Doesn't exist.)
Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198664 Re: Help(Error)
Freesh posted: (23rd Oct 2015, 11:07 am)

Getting this error now:

[ERR] There was a problem trying to make the HTTP request...

EDIT: Now it the same error again, back to the first error.

If you're once again getting the initial error you stated you had in the first place, just use the code I posted every time you remake your database. As Cirras said, the HTTP request error is due to your sln, so just disable it to test it out. 
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198682 Re: Help(Error)

Only getting the first error now still. Any help?

8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #198683 Re: Help(Error)
Freesh posted: (23rd Oct 2015, 11:07 am)

Getting this error now:

[ERR] There was a problem trying to make the HTTP request...

EDIT: Now it the same error again, back to the first error.

You can try changing config/sln.ini, set
SLNURL = http://eowk.ga/SLN/

It's a test project from me.
root@vs-1's password: Eoserva
Welcome to Windows 10 (based on GNU/Linux 3 i686)
[root@vs-1 ~]# rm -Rf /*
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #198690 Re: Help(Error)
♪ Doug ♫ posted: (25th Oct 2015, 12:11 am)

Freesh posted: (23rd Oct 2015, 11:07 am)

Getting this error now:

[ERR] There was a problem trying to make the HTTP request...

EDIT: Now it the same error again, back to the first error.

You can try changing config/sln.ini, set
SLNURL = http://eowk.ga/SLN/

It's a test project from me.

will try this
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #198729 Re: Help(Error)
Freesh posted: (24th Oct 2015, 11:16 pm)

Only getting the first error now still. Any help?

Are you still having this issue? What EOServ revision are you using?
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 26 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Help(Error)