EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Pet code for revision 459
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Pet code for revision 459
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Post #197274 Pet code for revision 459

I knows there's plenty of pet codes out there but most are either overcomplicated or outdated, So I thought I'd post mine.

What's different in mine?

I have made alot of mine have it's own functions, Most will say that it's pointless and a waste to do that, but it makes life 100% easier when you don't have NPC::Act() 1k lines of pure pet code. My pets currently don't take damage off NPCS as the npcs will target the pet owner.

The pets are set in a 'Guard' mode by default and won't attack any NPCS unless the owner does first. I have included a follow & aggressive mode also, but you'll have to turn them on yourself as having a pet aggressive is super annoying and will promote autoing (guard mode won't)

I've left all the code and instructions in 1 paste, so I'm sorry for any confusion. I've also got a Trunk 457 with the code already installed and the latest 459 patch.

Paste: http://pastebin.com/PDPDGH33


Please post if I missed anything, or if you get errors and I will try reply as fast as I can.

I will also be taking any sensible requests and will continue to add onto this trunk, but please nothing to big, we're not trying to remake the eosource mod of EOSERV.

EDIT: I forgot to mention:

To summon with ITEMS I used scrolls since I didn't want to use potions, format:

WarpMap = PetID

WarpX = 252 <-- This is what the servers reads to enable pet spawning.

WarpY = 0 - one use summon / 1 - unlimited. Although thinking it over now, one-use is kinda pointless since you wouldn't be able to despawn it.. /facepalm

To summon using SPELLS use the following format:

Spell Heal/Self/Ally

SpellMinDam = 123 <-- This is what the servers reads to enable pet spawning.

SpellMaxDam = PetID

8 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #197849 Re: Pet code for revision 459

Compiling was no problem in the latest rev, but when I spawn my pet, he won't follow me, and he won't warp to the next map I am going. Im trying to understand c++ by watching the tutorials of thenewboston and trying small stuff (what is hard enough atm), so if it is a small change, could you tell me how to do that?

Tales of Endless Developer
8 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #197850 Re: Pet code for revision 459

The code should put the pet in a guard mode by default, so it'd target any npc you hit or just follow, I don't really know what to say until I get on my laptop sorry. All I can think of is just checking your npc and that it is actually a pet.

8 years, 33 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Pet code for revision 459