EOSERV Forum > Game Development > mmorpg 2d iso empires type game need graphic artists
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mmorpg 2d iso empires type game need graphic artists
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Post #197005 mmorpg 2d iso empires type game need graphic artists

Concept: Create an empire based of a map type selection get to set up your resources stratigicly defend your empire conquer others and also manage inside empire functions and envade other empires if conquest is successful that empire becomes yours..allies ect!

I want to have many different map views for example the over head view will just be used for travel and then i want battle modes to have 2 types manual and auto but basicly the view will drop down to about a 45% heads up view of the battle ground..kinda like heroes of might and magic. The manual mode creatures on the battle field can represent 1-255 npcs and battle is a text type selection and a few basic battle gfx..auto mode you will get to fight your army vs theres ect.

I cant do shit with out artists i think this concept is highly expandable and possible $$able!!

8 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #197007 Re: mmorpg 2d iso empires type game need graphic artists

You'd probably be better off rendering a 2D style scene using a 3D camera. Turn perspective off and you'll be able to easily switch from top down to isometric, you'll even get z sorting, rotate and zoom built in. You'll also only need one set of assets rather than managing a massive library of sprites for each angle.

For example: This "2.5D isometric" style scene can have the camera yawed and pitched down for a flat/top down/tile view smooth and seamlessly. 

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8 years, 40 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Game Development > mmorpg 2d iso empires type game need graphic artists