EOSERV Forum > Artists > Pokemon Red Online Sprites (W.I.P)
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Pokemon Red Online Sprites (W.I.P)
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Post #156744 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Cykka posted: (5th Aug 2012, 07:08 pm)

Dude if you can get a hole sprite sheet I'd love you for ever haha. 

Some of these already work with eo for anyone who needs it:

I plan on making a bunch of Sprites but i think im going to be making my own server with it, so if i do make my own server none of the sprites i make will be free to use.
Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156745 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

Awww ;-; 

Well if you stop making it/close it down (if u do decide to make one) you better post them free to use! XD So many good gfx get lost that way.. a server dies and doesn't release its shit and then it all disapears for good. ;-;

ಠ_ರೃ You assholes dont want to fight my penis, herpes on my dick cuz I look like Jesus.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156746 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Cykka posted: (5th Aug 2012, 07:30 pm)

Awww ;-; 

Well if you stop making it/close it down (if u do decide to make one) you better post them free to use! XD So many good gfx get lost that way.. a server dies and doesn't release its shit and then it all disapears for good. ;-;

*Edited* Look at Main Post 

Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156755 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

This is really cool, nice artwork :D+1

Don't do it...
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156756 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Jove posted: (5th Aug 2012, 08:44 pm)

This is really cool, nice artwork :D+1

Thanks Jove:)
Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156799 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

hey, i just stumbled on this on google, it might help you out:

"The Lord is a shoving leopard."
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156800 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
*Edited* Look at Main Post
Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156805 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

I'll load up my yellow version and make some maps. Can replace them with the new gfx once you have all the new gfx added. Will try to make it as accurate as possible (Meaning square by square).

Will split maps based on where routes change, but some maps such as sea path will have to be split up.

Former multi-server mapper.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156807 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

*Edited* Look at Main Post

Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156811 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

Some thing about the brick color doesn't feel pokemonish to me that and the roof.. lol. 

But I like it none the less. ^_^ 

Oh btw I remembered that Avalanche at one time had a pokemon-eo with all 151 pokemons added... but I'm unsure what happened to the client or if anyone has a copy still... anyways heres the link to his old thread: https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/11842&p=1

ಠ_ರೃ You assholes dont want to fight my penis, herpes on my dick cuz I look like Jesus.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156813 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Mattâ„¢ posted: (6th Aug 2012, 01:15 am)

hey, i just stumbled on this on google, it might help you out:

Am i the only one that noticed the plants are exactly the same...and that water to grass border is the same thing he has as the bunny hop thing magig.....and the flowers.....wdf man. Don't take others work as your own..... -1
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156816 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

Yeah the plants are the same besides outline :/, plus you used the same colors and everything, even the same way with the water kinda. Just changing minor details on the tiles. I think you could give it the same feel, just by changing the style to something fitting and not so similar to the reference.

12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156817 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)

Well, do you guys want a good knock off or.. a shitty one that doesn't even resemble Pokemon? 3:

Something I do instead of sleeping
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156818 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Edit: Look at Main Post.
Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #156820 Re: Iso Pokemon Sprites(W.I.P)
Nerah posted: (6th Aug 2012, 04:37 am)

Hiuru posted: (6th Aug 2012, 04:24 am)

Mattâ„¢ posted: (6th Aug 2012, 01:15 am)

hey, i just stumbled on this on google, it might help you out:

Am i the only one that noticed the plants are exactly the same...and that water to grass border is the same thing he has as the bunny hop thing magig.....and the flowers.....wdf man. Don't take others work as your own..... -1
To be honest that where your Wrong, The tall Grass and Bunny Hop are in deed Different and the water, everything was based off of the Following Image:
But i guess a Few Similarities can be found considering Pokemon sprites use few color 3-5 and when mimicking styles its the same it very plausible that you will see many Similarities.
But im not here to argue, its a matter of Faith and Belief.
Well im heading to bed. Good Night.

And about the Bricks and Roof they were not finished..it was just a mock up ill try and clean it up.

Lolwhat...so it makes it better for you to take graphics from there and say you made them? The flowers and plants are exactly the same. And this is not mimicking, this is barely editing other's work. 

Make your own stuff, or give credit when necessary. 

12 years, 6 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > Pokemon Red Online Sprites (W.I.P)