EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #413: Quest executing actions at login can lead to a crash scenario

Bug #413: Quest executing actions at login can lead to a crash scenario

Quest executing actions at login can lead to a crash scenario
ID #413
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity High
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 22nd Apr 2016
Updated 22nd Apr 2016
Apollo Submitter 8 years, 4 weeks ago

More apparent when using quest 0, but it is possible that quest actions can be game breaking if they are executed before the character has finished loading. An example would be if a quest Reset was called immediately at login. Some sort of character login safe state check might be in order to ensure the character has entered the game/map and can legitimately be acted on by quest rules.


Cirras 8 years, 4 weeks ago

I was wondering how your Disconnected() quest rule and other such EE additions to the EO+ system would pan out with the current logic - I suppose that answers my question.

Apollo Submitter 8 years, 2 weeks ago

I handle Disconnected() at login, but following Disconnected() or Always() in quest 0 going to a reset is dangerous. Probably just something in the loading order that can be fixed. Best to use quest 0 to activate other quests for now other than using it as a reloadable event system.

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