EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #396: Hidden admins can be found.

Bug #396: Hidden admins can be found.

Hidden admins can be found.
ID #396
Submitter Squirrel
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 11th Oct 2015
Updated 14th Oct 2015
Squirrel Submitter 8 years, 32 weeks ago

Right clicking on a tile with a hidden admin will open their menu, revealing their position.


Cirras 8 years, 32 weeks ago

That's because EOSERV and even the official server software still send *all* if the regular packets of a hidden character even if the client receiving them isn't supposed to be seeing them. The client determines whether they will be visibly instead of the server. Yuck.

BU, FE, and EE all have this fixed so it is very doable - it just means players can't see hidden admins talk. A minor tradeoff considering you can see everything if you spoof privileges to your client or even right click.

Sausage Developer 8 years, 31 weeks ago

Duplicate of bug #12.

Talking isn't the only thing that becomes an issue. Everything that controls or exposes your character has to be updated for this, from walking/sitting/attacking/logging in/out (including walking in to range from other people's perspective, and them walking in to your range), warping (in at least a dozen different ways, and again, in both directions), npcs attacking you, casting spells on people, drinking potions, playing bard, spikes, map effects, etc.

It should be taken care of one day so bots can't detect hidden admins near them, but holy heck is it a lot of things to comb through.

Updated Status to CLOSED, DUPLICATE

Cirras 8 years, 31 weeks ago

Well yes - But generally it will always boil down to something along the lines of if (character1->hidden && !character2->CanSeeHidden()) return;

Beyond just bots detecting hidden admins, players using StarProxy can see the them straight up, or easily detect them with a packet sniffer.

The most annoying thing I even encountered in patching the issue up was that I had to play the Hide effect on a map tile instead of a character, because the character "Leaves" the map too fast for players clients to play the effect on the actor.

Cirras 8 years, 30 weeks ago

About warping - Isn't that primarily covered in Map::Enter, Map::Leave, and the Warp handler?

Apollo 8 years, 27 weeks ago

You don't need to create a separate effect packet to pull off hide due to the character leaving the map too fast to play the effect, but delaying the leave function for this purpose works just fine. That is a very practical solution and results in a more visually accurate hide rather than disappear then show hide effect on a tile. Either way, still a duplicate of bug #12.

Cirras 8 years, 27 weeks ago

That does sound more visually pleasing, Apollo. Would you be so kind as to explain how you went about doing that on the technical side of things via private message or whatever medium you like? I'd appreciate it quite a bit!

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